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  • 저자별 검색

저자별 검색

발달에 적합한 영유아보육과정 개발 연구

A Study on Development of Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for Infant and Young Children in Educare Center


2004, vol.4, no.2, pp.39~62(23 pages)

UCI : http://uci.or.kr/G704-SER000008863.2004.4.2.005


연구분야 : 사회과학 > 한국보육학회지




The purpose of this study was to develop an infants and young childrens" educare curriculum based upon reviews of literatures and the recent trends. There were recently the curriculum model for early childhood education, that is developmentally appropriate curriculum. This model of early childhood education has also significant mean for infant and young children in educare center. The specific contents explored in this were the recent trends toward early childhood curriculum, the study direction on development of infants and young childrens" educare curriculum, and the characteristic and contents of developmentally appropriate curriculum for infant and young children in educare center. First, this study presented infant curriculum for 0-12 months, toddler curriculum for 13 months-two years old, and preschooler curriculum for three-five, six years old. Second, the objective areas and contents of curriculum were composed of the six developmental domains such as the aesthetic domain, the affective domain, the cognitive domain, the language domain, the physical domain, and the social domain. Finally, the main contents by the six developmental domains was selected according to principle of the developmentally appropriate practices.

콘텐츠 담당자
담당자 : 윤지현 / 연락처 : 02-2077-3924 / 이메일 : yunjh1222@ssnkorea.or.kr
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