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  • 주제별검색
  • 발행년도별 검색

발행년도별 검색

통합적 유아 교수·학습방법으로서의 명화 감상활동에 관한 연구

Using Famous Painting for Integrated Approach in Early Childhood Education


2003, vol.35, no., pp.163~187(24 pages)

UCI : http://uci.or.kr/G704-000724.2003.35..011


연구분야 : 사회과학 > 한국영유아보육학


(조선대학교); 황윤세


There has been a trend only to stress the expression activities in an early childhood art education. But, recently, there is an increasing emphasis on the appreciation of famous paintings for the early childhood art education. The appreciation of famous paintings can help increase young children's object awareness, value judgment and expressive ability etc. The theoretical basis for the appreciation activities on famous paintings can be derived from DBAE (Discipline-Based Art Education), Project Spectrum, and Vygotsky's theory. DBAE pursues systematic appreciation education by integrative understanding about an art. Project Spectrum based on Gardner's theory also implies the importance of the appreciation activities through artistic observation for the paintings. In addition, Vygotsky's theory also suggests that the artistic experience which teachers offer is very important for enhancing children's appreciation ability. In this study, we attempted an integrated approach by using famous paintings in early childhood curriculum. We presented the teaching method for enhancing the appreciation abilities in early childhood arts education by the integrated curriculum. For this, we suggested the six stages: observation, analysis(or interpretation), integrated activity, expressive activity, and evaluation. For the desirable appreciation education, teachers should respect young children's opinion and interact with young children by asking them many questions.

콘텐츠 담당자
담당자 : 윤지현 / 연락처 : 02-2077-3924 / 이메일 : yunjh1222@ssnkorea.or.kr
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