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발행년도별 검색

활동중심 통합교육과정에 대한 재조명 - 중앙대학교 부속유치원 교육과정 개선운동 -

The Implementation Movement of Roots Curriculum: The Reconsiderations of the Integrated Curriculum with Thematic unit


2005, vol., no.40, pp.21~46(25 pages)

UCI : http://uci.or.kr/G704-000724.2005..40.005


연구분야 : 사회과학 > 한국영유아보육학




본 연구는 중앙대학교 사범대학 부속유치원에서 운영하고 있는 활동중심 통합교육과정을 재조명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 부속유치원에 재직하고 있는 원감, 담임교사 및 부담임 교사, 원감, 실습학생, 학부형을 대상으로 실시한 면담 자료를 분석하였다. 특정 이론에서 출발한 교육과정 모델과는 달리 유치원 현장에서의 교수법 개선을 위한 풀뿌리 운동으로써의 활동중심 통합교육과정은, 말 그대로의 내면적인 통합을 지향하기 위해서 주제를 선정하는 과정에서부터 주제 활동을 진행하는 전 과정에서 유아의 말에 귀를 기울이고 유치원의 모든 구성원이 함께 하는 즐거움을 누리고 있는 교육과정이었다. 한편 초등학교 교육과정과의 연계문제와 교육과정 개선운동에 대한 쉼 없는 투자, 그리고 활동중심 통합교육과정을 널리 알리는데 따른 어려움 등은 과제로 남겨져 있었다.

This research is about the reconsideration of integrated curriculum based on the thematic unit approach in the kindergarten in the Cung Ang University. Researcher interview with Vice-director, teacher, substitute teacher, student teacher, and parents to collect data and analyzed to find meaningful results. Integrated curriculum with thematic unit is not typical theory model, but the implementation movement of instruction for effective teaching and learning in the kindergarten. With integration, subject areas are meaningful and natural. The thematic unit is integrated with a variety of subjects. The teachers find on a subject and provide activities that are creative and interesting around the topic. Moreover, it would be roots movement to improve the quality of teaching skills which focus on thematic unit children discussed and select with teacher to develop programs. Integrated curriculum seeks to have particular characteristics. Teachers need to listen what children are talking and share a joy with them in classroom. These activities may be fun for children. Children who are invited to participate and collaborate to this approach select the topic to develop thematic unit and foster the development of important concepts and skills. Additionally, there are still several barriers to overcome to succeed this integrated activity. First, we need to develop the successive programs from early childhood education to elementary education. Second, we need to be investing most of time in thoughtful topics and themes and a budget more to implement curriculum. An integrated curriculum requires a fully committed administrators and teachers and parents who value and understand and support approach. Finally, we need to allow ourselves time for continuous reflection and challenging to implement and develop meaningful integrated curriculum.

콘텐츠 담당자
담당자 : 윤지현 / 연락처 : 02-2077-3924 / 이메일 : yunjh1222@ssnkorea.or.kr
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