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발행년도별 검색

햇빛유치원 교사들의 수업목표 설정과 적용에 관한 실행연구

An Action Study on Instructional Goal Setting and Its Improvement among Early Childhood Teachers


2012, vol., no.70, pp.77~106(29 pages)

UCI : http://uci.or.kr/G704-000724.2012..70.006


연구분야 : 사회과학 > 한국영유아보육학


(성결대학교); 이경화


본 연구의 목적은 교육목표 중 ‘수업목표’가 유아교육현장에서 어떻게 설정되고 수업에 적용되는지 알아보고, 신교육목표분류학을 매개로 수업목표에 대한 유아교사들의 반성적 실행과 수업개선을 도모하는데 있다. 햇빛유치원의 교사 5명을 대상으로, 6주간 실시한 연구의 결과를 살펴보면, 첫째, 유아교사들의 수업목표 설정방법은 ‘교육이론’, ‘발달수준’, ‘주제’, ‘시기’, ‘동료 교사’ 등을 복합적으로 고려한 방법이었다. 둘째, 교사들의 수업목표 개선을 위한 실행과정은, ‘신교육목표분류학의 소개와 적용가능성’ 논의, ‘개선을 위한 적용의 시작’, ‘다양한 적용방법 개발과 적용’, ‘개선의 지속과 미래를 위한 종합’으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점은, 수업목표에 대한 반성적 논의는 장학의 역할과 교사의 반성적 성장을 이끌어 낼 수 있다는 점, 수업목표의 역할에 대한 재고해볼 여지를 주었다는 점이다.

The purpose of this study was to examine the ways of instructional goal setting, which belonged to educational objectives, among early childhood teachers and their methods of attaining selected goals. A new taxonomy of educational objectives was utilized to shed light on their reflective attainment of instructional goals and the process of their improvement. The findings of the study were as follows:First, as for the ways of instructional goal setting among the early childhood teachers in Sunshine Kindergarten, they set instructional goals in consideration of educational theories, the developmental level of preschoolers, the selected theme, time period and fellow teachers. And they reflected on their practices of setting goals without taking evaluation into account. Second, concerning the ways of improving instructional goals among the early childhood teachers, they had a discussion about the feasibility of a new taxonomy of educational objectives after they were explained about that. In the next stage of acting, the teachers started to apply it in accordance with the level of activities, to use questioning, to make a program evaluation and to offer differentiated guidance customized to the level of preschoolers. Thus, they got to set their instructional goals in a more productive manner. In the final stage of sustainable improvement and preparation for the future, they produced new evaluation tools by taking their selected goals into consideration, and carefully thought of the significance of the study in which they participated. The findings of the study had some implications: First, having a reflective discussion on instructional goals can serve as an opportunity of supervision for early childhood teachers. Second, this study provided diverse perspectives about the roles of instructional goals. Third, this study found that having a discussion on instructional goal setting and its attainment could serve as an opportunity for teachers to achieve a reflective growth.

콘텐츠 담당자
담당자 : 윤지현 / 연락처 : 02-2077-3924 / 이메일 : yunjh1222@ssnkorea.or.kr
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